Friday, November 7, 2008

Avagadro's and Moles

Okay, so I have been getting a little behind on the work because I was stuck on the concept of Avogadro's Law and the concept of moles.... This one site helped me a little to understand Avagadro's reasoning a bit, and this video just helps with the concept of moles (hehe prepare yourself though!). And to top it off, this site has almost all the formulas for the laws, and works through each one with actual numbers, step by step. Have fun! ^_^ lol


  1. Pure Pwnage said...
    Its a ok sight,It helps to drill the law into you, but if you are not already familiar with the law and your still having problems, this site is just like all the other one's we've had, and probably won't be too helpful.....But that blasted song is stuck in my head now, And i think i know everything i can want to about the mole now.....thanx for that,lol
    Sweetums Chocolate Kisses-Pookie Pie said...
    THe first site was okay i just reveiws what you had already lean swo it could be good for studying.... i thought the second one was funny i know alot about moles and marshmallows now but i dont know how much it could actually help someone in this course!! lol unless they needed to know about moles!

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